Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Promises, Promises...

A week after Spring officially began (3-27).
So, last November (or thereabouts) I promised my Facebook world that I would limit my Minnesota Weather Complaints to ONE. Meaning, I would not have as a status update anything negative about the cold, the snow, the ice, the cold, the snow, the driving conditions, the absofrickinlutely horrifying state of existence that is six months of the year here.

I kept my promise. Albeit, there were probably two or three passive-aggressive complaints, but they were, for all practical purposes, merely statements of fact. And while I complained in comments on OTHER people's complainy weather posts, I didn't outright come out with a negative post myself. Instead, I kept a journal (of sorts) in the form of badly-drawn cartoons--sometimes with words--of my angst. Now that it is supposedly not winter anymore (currently, it is 40F and snowing, thank you very much, Mother Nature), I have decided to share my cartoonish complaints all in one place.

Enjoy! And remember: these are not masterpieces. I did not intend for them to be critiqued for their artistic amazingness. They are for your amusement. Or Bemusement. Or whatever. Some have dates; some do not. They are out of order because I dropped them in the process of scanning them. My bad.

Oh, and the eyeball one. I don't know what it symbolizes. It's what I was feeling. Maybe one of those 50 below 0 evenings when I was outside trying to enjoy a cigarette, and the resultant frozen eyeballs had something to do with it.


  1. I laughed so hard at some of your pics! That's part of why I moved from MN to FL and is the reason I don't see myself going back. I visited my parents in SD 3 years ago in March. I played in the snow with my 2 daughters and grandson, who had never seen snow. We made a snowman, had a snowball fight, and I showed them the importance of finding clean snow to eat. My dad went to the store and bought a sled for my youngest and grandson. Everyone had a great time, for a little bit. Then we were all frozen. Although my youngest and grandson went out in it a few more times, listening now on why we dress appropriately and don't wear jeans that are going to get wet and freeze, I never went back out. We left for the airport to come back home when it was 5 below. I said, "this is exactly why I can't move back north. It's so cold it just hurts me!" That was no exaggeration either! :)

  2. I laughed so hard at some of your pics! That's part of why I moved from MN to FL and is the reason I don't see myself going back. I visited my parents in SD 3 years ago in March. I played in the snow with my 2 daughters and grandson, who had never seen snow. We made a snowman, had a snowball fight, and I showed them the importance of finding clean snow to eat. My dad went to the store and bought a sled for my youngest and grandson. Everyone had a great time, for a little bit. Then we were all frozen. Although my youngest and grandson went out in it a few more times, listening now on why we dress appropriately and don't wear jeans that are going to get wet and freeze, I never went back out. We left for the airport to come back home when it was 5 below. I said, "this is exactly why I can't move back north. It's so cold it just hurts me!" That was no exaggeration either! :)
